Update Eversheet


Update Eversheet
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Dec 4, 2019

New Features

1. Revision From Contract Owner Before Moving On To The Next Person In Workflow

This feature helps you to process contracts that require revision by returning the draft contract that must be corrected to the contract maker before heading to the next step of workflow.

In addition to more streamlining the processing time, now with the process of Need Revision from Contract Owner will further minimize the error rate for workflow in the next step.

The Revision From Contract Owner menu will only be displayed in the display menu for users who have assignments as reviewers only.

                                                       Picture 1. Need Revision From Contract Owner

In this latest feature, in the task menu for users who serve as review only, a column will appear to select a decision between the contract is appropriate and will be continued to the next step workflow, or will be sent back to the contract maker due to adjustments or matters certain.

  • Yes, send to contract owner : this option is used if you need repairs or other matters related to the nonconformity of a particular contract and want to be returned to the contract maker before proceeding to the next step workflow.
  • No, continue workflow : this option is used if the contract you are reviewing is appropriate and wants to proceed to the next step of the workflow without any improvement from the contract maker.

When finished, select Complete Task to proceed to the next step.

2. Preview File Contract

This File Preview feature is used to view documents without having to download the original documents. This feature is found in every process that requires uploading data or documents such as in the Contracts, Workflows, and Alerts menus.

With this preview button, you can more easily access the document data without having to download the document first.


                                              Picture 2. Preview that is show on the Contracts menu.

You can use Preview File Contract for all DOCX document file types or PDF file types. As for the DOC document file type (word file type from the old version) will not be able to display a document preview, but you can download the file to be able to see it.

3. Thumbnail & Preview For Supporting File 

This new feature will make it easier for you to view supporting files contained in each contract by displaying document icons according to the uploaded file type (DOCX, PDF, XLSX, JPEG, PNG, and others).

With this feature, without having to look at the file intact, you will be able to understand the file type that is used as a supporting file of the main contract being made. If you want to see it in its entirety, you only need to click on the file you want to see, either an image file or a document.

                                                             Picture 3. Thumbnail & Preview For Supporting File

For image file types, a thumbnail version will be displayed of the image file itself and if you want to see the whole image, you only need to click on the image. As for the document file type, only the file types (DOCX, PDF, XLSX) will be displayed. To view the entire document file type, you must download the file.

4. Reject Contract

The Reject Contract feature is a feature that you can use if you want to cancel a contract caused by certain things. When you choose to reject the contract, a confirmation menu display will appear regarding the reason for the contract being rejected.


                                                                           Picture 4. Reject Confirmation

If you select Yes, the contract will be returned to the contract maker to make a decision to resend a new contract or cancel the contract. In other words the contract will not disappear or be deleted, but will appear on the Rejected Workflow menu in the Workflows account.

In the menu contract maker can provide a final decision related to the contract by sending a new revised contract to restart the workflow process or permanently cancel the contract.

                                                                                Picture 5. Rejected Contract

If the contract maker turns out to send back a new contract revision, all the notes and decisions in the previous workflow will be displayed in the next approval process, so you can see the history of the approval stage why it was canceled.

The cancel contract process is used to cancel the contract that was rejected in the previous workflow process. The canceled contract will go to the DONE menu in the Workflows account.


1. Upload File Document

For this latest version, when you upload a document with a DOCX file type, a description of the document page number will appear. If you upload a DOC file type (word file type from an old version), a notification will appear explaining that the document will not be displayed in the preview menu.

                                                           Picture 6. DOC Document Format Notification

This notification only appears when making a new contract, while in the workflow process it will not appear.

2. Audit Trail

Audit Trail menu is a menu that displays the historical changes that occur on a particular account. With this Audit Trail, details about all types of changes that occur in these accounts can be seen by all other users.


                                                                Picture 7. Detail Audit Trail

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